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Wednesday 23 April 2014

To write a description of a setting.

Underneath the blanket of dark, ominous clouds, the once freshly built redbrick chapel stood in the middle of the eerie graveyard, abandoned. Nestled in its corner, was an old wooden pew with a broken arm. Isolated, the mournful bell-tower stood in the distance eclipsing the skyline, as the odor of decaying corpses invades the noses off passing pedestrians. In the distance, vague whispers can be heard from the graves made of chiseled stone. Everything was still until the dark, black and devious looking crow landed on the sky-scraping bell-tower. The slender oak tree stretched it’s arms out wide. The fragrance of luscious green grass can be smelt people walk on the cobble path that swirls through the cracked gravestones.

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